This was a fun & easy craft for the kids, great for this time of year, and a great memorium for years to come.
You simply choose a base, I used a cardstock circle, about 4inches accross. I punched a hole in the top of the circle to hold a ribbon. If you would like something a little more sturdy you could use cardboard, wood, or foam.
I had the children decorate both sides completely. The silohettes would be glued to the front, and there name & the year written on the back center. We used crayons, but you could use markers or paint as well. However if your doing the paper version, the markers will leak to the other side.
To make the silohettes of the children, i hung up a solid blue poster board on the wall, and had marked a x on the floor linned up with the center. I then had each child stand sideways on the X while I took there pictures.
*The method I used, I loaded the digital prints into a paint program & filled in the entire head/shoulders of each child with black. This could be done with a paintbrush, a fill tool, or a colorchanger. Leaving the background blue, you would print them all on 4x6 and you would have your physical black sillohette to cut out and glue.
*The second method would be to print the pictures as is without editing them, and then when they print, you would cut out th head/shoulders and trace it directly onto your circle & clor it in black, or trace & cut it out of black contruction paper for glueing.
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