Wednesday, September 12, 2018

C section delivery and everything after with twins delivery #reignoftwins

For my c section, we were scheduled for 8am.
We didn't end up being brought in until after 1pm.
I wasn't allowed to eat or drink since the night before. In the morning I was so scared and nervous, I w
Had even asked for anxiety medicine (which the decided to wait on because it would make the babies sleepy) I had a million questions and concerns.
I truely wanted to be knocked out because I didn't think I could face getting a spinal. Or being cut open.
I'm 31 and have never had any surgeries or procedures. Not even a cast or cut big enough for multiple stitches. My previous 3 births were medication free.
I have a fear/anxiety for needles. I had to get over that in having to give myself insulin daily, on top of having a permanent double iv for my stay.
The morning of my c section my double IV turned into a quad IV. Two in each arm. In case of emergency.
 By the time they actually called us, I was ready. I was starving and just wanted them to be out and have it over with. I went willingly with a smile on my face and jokes spurring out (i handle nerves with sarcasm).
The spinal/epidural was no where near what I was expecting. It was more irritating than painful. He did miss a few times and sent a pain sensation down my left side. And he adjusted. The entire time I was talking and joking with the aid in front of me, that i wasn't a pin cushion an this isn't his first rodeo lol.
Almost immediately my legs went numb and they laid me down on a big pillow bed that inflates. I was secured leaning a bit to the side. And the doctor went to work. First they put in a catheter,which I didn't feel either.
I didn't feel a thing. Not one cut tug or pull. No sensations. When he was ready. He called my husband and cousin in.
As soon as he went to take out the babies. They popped out  together. Armed with one baby in each hand he passed them off one at a time.
The only babies delivered there with the same exact birth time. They both wanted and  needed out.
After joking of securing me with velcro and ducttape i was closed up and my babies were being little photogenic pros.
The doctor excused himself and my aid nurse went to work. She cleaned me up. Pushed on my stomach to get out the bulk of fluid. Fitted me with a new gown and pads. And got me into my new bed and all tucked in. The inflatable bed uses helium to move you from one bed to the other.
She handed me my littles and we rolled into recovery.
Here I had my vitals monitored for a few hours and the babies were taken to be checked out. She also brought me a pump and storage bottles because i wanted to pump and feed. We will get to the details of that in an exclusive pumping post. (Spoiler alert they are 4months and are stimm exclusively fed pumped milk)
By 430 we were back in my original room and ready for company.
The sensation had already come back in my legs, and the pain started to come. Quick pain meds solved that.
By 6pm I decided I was ready to use the bathroom and get rid of the catheter (even though I could have waited longer)
The first steps were the hardest. But i had a nurse on the front and an aide at my side. I felt like I couldnt stand upright. But the steps worked fine. It was just my stomach. Light pressure near my incision helped with that. They got me all cleaned and I was back in bed relaxing.
Later that night I was allowed to take a shower myself around 9pm because I showed them I could get up and move around. It hurt but was manageable.
Again it was only in transition (standing up. Sitting down. Walking) when i was stationary I was pain free
By the next day I was almost good as new.
But of course. I was feeling better and slightly overdid myself. I literally went to walmart on our trip home. I felt the pain after that.
Moral of it all. Get up and move around you'll feel better faster, but know your limits. And take the pain pills even if you think you don't need them.

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