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Thursday, December 6, 2018
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Exclusive pumping for twins. 6month update
YES, you read that correctly, TWINS!
When "let's have one more" turns into two more, after the first initial shock and aw, what comes next ?
I pumped for one, when they said it wouldn't work, but could I pump for two? Could I even handle that? The answer I'm proud to say, was yes, I could!
In the hospital, I had a c section. Immediately after recovery I was given a pump to try and get them their first feedings. It was a struggle. For that first day I was producing next to nothing.
.3ml .5ml were given in a syringe. They said it was effective enough for them because eating was new and if they were breast feeding thats all they would have received. Because they were preemies (36 weeks exact) I gave permission for them to have a few 1oz bottles of preemie formula while my milk came in, in addition to the colostrum.
Luckily, they passed all newborn screenings with flying colors and were perfect little bugs who got to come home on time. (6 & 7lbs respectively qt discharge)
My first day home my milk finally began coming in. At first, i was getting 2oz on each side. Then within a few days I was up to 4oz on each side. By the end of 2 weeks closer to 8oz on each side.
*Remember your story may be different and thats ok.*
I was producing enough to exclusively feed both babies 4oz every 2 to 3 hours and build up a freezer or fridge stash.
I pumped every 2 hours for the first few days, once I established a good supply, I extended to 3 then 4 hours.
It worked wonderfully. If i pumped 8 ounces at 10am I prepaired two 4oz bottles and put 8oz in the fridge for later. At 11am they would eat the pumped milk, and my next pumping was before their next feeding. If I got behind or things came up, i had to bottles I would warm from the fridge. My husband or other family members were able to help with feedings this way.
Overnight I pumped while they ate, having milk for the next feeding at the ready before they went back to bed.
Eventually as they grew and didnt need as many feeding (and after introducing cereals and fruits) i was able to drop night time pumpings all together, and go closer to 5 or 6 hours between pumping during the day. This gave me a lot more freedom in my schedule.
I could pump 10oz x 2 and have enough for two feedings for both and skip right over that afternoon pump session.
I reached my 3 month goal. And my 4 and 5 months goal. Around 6 months I decided to start weaning them. I was ready to have my body back. It was upsetting because i pumped for their older sibling for a full year, but I was exhausted. They had no allergies or issues and I was ok with adding formula into their routines.
Im now happy to say that at 7 months old they still have a tiny stash of breast milk that they alternate into daily feedings.
They drink formula for the majority of the day but they have one feeding from the breast milk stash. They eat 3 to 4 meals a day of cereal, fruits and veggies and even some adult bites here and there. (Pasta, mashed potatoes etc)
Im so very glad that for 6 whole months they received the benefits of being exclusively breastfed. They are happy and healthy.
As of their 6 month appointment they were 16 and nearly 18 pounds!
My little boy was born bigger but now is a peanut compaired to his sister. He wears 6-9 months and size 2 comfortably, while she needs 12 months and size 3 diapers lol.
Just a reminder that for those 6 months i never. Not even once. Attempted to put them on the breast. So if your doctors, friends, family suggest that it wont work without actual suckling or stimulating- it most certainly can.
There is much more information in my previous posts from my first journey with exclusive pumping, and while I dont have all the details ss before, I still wanted to share that I did it again, times two.
Good luck on your pumping adventure.
Breast milk has so many beneficial qualities, for both you and your babies...but sometimes, like in my case, you just aren't comfortable with the actual breastfeeding task. Or want to share your duties and thats ok.
(I even enjoyed some wine on some friday nights while hubbie warmed freezer milk)
Whatever your choice may be, formula, pumping or breast feeding, i hope you do great!
You never know unless you try!