Monday, December 30, 2013

Before you judge.

My biggest pet peeve, is people who judge your parenting, or throw out their opinions when they are not solicited.

I'm learning this more and more with my son. While he has had no diagnosis because of the lack of being old enough or being in school, we are suspecting he may have a condition along the lines of autism or adhd.

He's entirely hyper active and loud. He stays up all hours of the night and sleeps all morning. He's specific on how things need to be, and does not do well with change. His feelings are hurt extremely easily, and sometimes he just has off days. He has no concern for authority and threats, he could care less if his TV is taken away, or if he can't go outside. Time out does not phase him. He can't concentrate on one task for more then a few minutes, and frequently changes his mind or has a meltdown when faced with a decision. His opinion is made known, he has no filter, and will interupt anything and anyone to state his own point...but don't ever interupt him or the meltdown will come.

At four, he's capable of getting dressed, putting on his own socks and shoes, getting a snack or a drink. Most of the time he does these with ease.

But then you have the days where he just refuses to cooperate and wants the extra help.
A request for him to put his shoes on, Then ends in the "I can't" reply. Granted I KNOW he can do them. And maybe I'm wrong. But I prefer to save my sanity and put the shoes on him, rather then to get into an hour debate over what he can an can't do himself, which throws our entire day off, and despite the threats, usually ends in my putting the shoes on anyways. I am his mother. I KNOW how he responds to these situations. I'm not baby-ing him. And I'm not giving him his way, I'm giving myself a stress break. Day in and day out I can only take so much of the repetitive requests, and telling him or showing him he can do it.

A request for a truck from TV for a gift, you would think he would be ecstatic to receive it. Only to find out that he opens it, and discovers the doors are not "openable", he has a meltdown. It's not because he's spoiled and wants more toys. It's because he can't process the change and the purpose. A truck has a door, the driver goes in the door and drives the truck. What is he to do with a truck that has no driver? Again he's particular. He's not ungrateful or greedy, he's expressing his feelings.

If he's given a gift, and he sees more, he's thinking they are for him, like the one he just received, and he will ask for more. Doesn't mean he likes his gifts any less, or that he is greedy. He's making assumptions. A simple explanation solves the situation.

A piece of cheese on a "cheeseburger" can ruin his appetite. What he ment was a hamburger, but his way of thinking tells him to say a cheeseburger without cheese. Which the server, cook or myself didn't understand, resulting in a cheeseburger, and he refuses to eat it. A cheeseburger with the cheese pulled off is not the same as one cooked without it. He will point out every last spec and trace of cheese. scolding him over not finishing his meal can end in a three alarm meltdown and scene for everyone. He's not hurting anyone else, and surely he's healthy enough without it.

He has his own opinions, and doesn't always realize right from wrong. He may call you fat, or say you look funny. He doesnt do it with the purpose of hurting feelings. He simply has no filter, and doesnt always know what's not so OK to say.

My point in being, is before assuming that he is babied, or saying that he can do it himself, or yelling at him for being himself, stating I can't handle my children or I'm in over my head or don't know what I'm doing, please remember one thing...
I know my son best. I know when to yell at him, or when to leave him be. I know the cause and effect results, I've been down these roads many times before, and I know the domino affect and I choose my battles with him.

Pregnancy ruins your body

Pregnancy does not ruin my body. Having a baby turned me into a canvas.

A walking show, of the life (lives) that I had the blessing of growing inside me. A feeling that some woman long for, but sadly will never know.

I may no longer be as skinny and flawless as I would like, however my faults are my achievements.

That extra 40lbs I carry around, after having three children and just not making it too that weightloss goal. The struggle to fit in exercise on top of having three children.

The inability to diet at the current given time, as I am providing for my 5month old, who has never had formula, and my higher calorie intake, while haulting my weight loss, provides her milk.

My wide hips that have moved to complete my childrens journey into this world. While they make it hard for pants shopping, they are a part of me.

The stretch marks that line not only my stomach, but other areas as well. A daily reminder that my body was a vessel to protect and nurture my children, and they are there to empower me with strength, a reminder- every stripe like a tiger, is worn with pride, and will always remind me to protect my young at all costs.

During pregnancy, their every movement & kick, every pain, and the endless nights of heartburn and indigestion. the promise to myself and realization to know that in the end, it would all be worth it. I know now each and every one of those pains was my heart growing larger to encompass an amount of love I could never imagine until I seen my children for the first time.

I may not have a super model figure, and the best selection of clothing.
My mornings are content with getting my children fed, bathed, and dressed. Buttons and bows and shoes. Then my morning is gone leaving this mommy to go out in sweatpants, a messy bun, and no makeup.
I'm comfortable and I'm happy.
A fine day of pampering would be nice, but I'm no longer self consummed in getting my hair, and nails done, or clothes shopping, and putting on makeup etc. Of course on occasion such as a holiday I may attempt to get fancy should time allow, but it no longer interests me in my daily life.
Perhaps when my children are grown, and have been raised to the fullest extent with all the luxuries and memories I can provide, then I can relax and have my hair done for her graduation, or my nails done for his wedding, as I sit back and watch what my years have accumulated too.

Baby cereal, jar or self mix?

I've noticed a lot of controversy on this topic.

As far as I'm concerned,  what is the problem with the added convenience of ready to eat cereal? Same manufacterer, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter if u mix it yourself or you buy it mixed, there's no big difference in ingredients. The only downside is your not getting the choice of added breastmilk/formula of your choosing for mixing, but rather the formula or juice they use for mixing.

For two cereal with fruit meals a day, it was costing me about $2 a week for boxed cereal ($8 mo) and $5 a week for 7 jars of fruit, ($20 no) split in half for each twice daily feeding, for a total of $28. Which would technically be more if I had to buy juice or formula to make the cereal, but i use breastmilk.
Which is turn requires mixing, adjusting to get the right texture, heating, and washing a bowl.

For two cereal feedings a day, one plastic rectangle container or one jar lasts for two feedings as she only eats half. So one 2 pack of rectangle containers, is $1 at pricechopper. Theres a great variety of oatmeals, and mixed rice, granola, etc with all different fruit combinations.
$1 is 4 meals or 2 days. 30 days in a month, is $15 cost to have premixed, always the same texture and amount, room temp, no bowl, and ready to take with you or keep in the diaper bag when your on the run.
Even moving up to three a day, still keeps this cost at 3packs/two days to about $20.

So yes, I buy jars/containera and pay for convience, but it also saves me money!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Do it yourself snack packs for schools etc

If your kids are anything like mine, they go through snacks like crazy, and lets face it those little snack packs are not cheap! Some are $4-$5 for 6 tiny little packages!
My daughter used to be all for the bargain brand gummies etc but now that she has a partial mouth piece she can't have those, or any other fruit roll up type products or sugary candies.
My solution?
I spent $10, on 60+ snacks. Actually about 75 IF I bagged them all.
(Plus $1 on a box of snack bags, or a few bucks on a bulk case of a couple hundred from your nearest BJs.)

Best of all, it only took about twenty minutes to bag it all!

The end result? A larger variety, cheaper cost, AND correct portion size. You can decide how little or how much is right for your kiddies. I did four cookies per bag, and a handful of the chips and crackers per bag.
I also was left with two half bags of chips to snack on, as well as 20 of the sandwhich cookies to send to the class to enjoy.

Here is what I bought: (&how many baggies they made)

$1 bag of ruffles- but I only used half(5 snacks)
$2 bag of doritoes-but I only used half(5 snacks)
$1 bag of cheddar fries (5 snacks)
$2 box of cheezits (12 snacks)
$1.50 choc chip cookies (8 snacks)
$1.50 shortbreads (8 snacks)
$2 sandwhich cookies (15 snacks)
$11 (I had a dollar off coupon as well to make it $10 even)

Obviously prices will vary based on stores, I shopped at price chopper, but even dollar tree has the exact same brand of cookies, and ruffle chips so that could even cut it down further. They also have bags of pretzels etc. I was just buying these because that's where I was. And price chopper very frequently does 2/$4 on cheezits, doritoes and other items AND there sale prices will still work if you only get one and not two.

*Oh and you will see two baggies of el fudge cookies I decided to share lol. The package was not counted in my total.